Increase Your Vibration with Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is an ancient and powerful practice that uses essential oils to help people relax and become more aware.

Essential oils not only smell incredible, but did you know they actually entrain the cells of the body to increase their vibratory rate? People with higher vibrations experience more joy, peace, relational happiness and feelings of abundance.

Essential oils can also be used to help increase vibrations, or feeling of wellbeing.

Essential oils may be inhaled, placed topically on the skin, or diffused in a room for a subtle effect.

Here are some tips for using essential oils to increase your vibration:

1. Choose the right oils: Choosing the right essential oils is important in achieving the desired vibratory effect. Oils such as lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, ylang ylang, and jasmine are all known for their calming and uplifting properties. All essential oils are high in frequency but some are higher than others. Rose oil has the highest frequency at 320 MHz, frankincense has 147 MHz, lavender has 118 MHz, myrrh has 105 MHz, peppermint has 78 MHz and so on.

2. Dilute appropriately: Essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil before applying them to the skin. This is to prevent skin irritation and further increase the vibrational effect of the oils.

3. Diffuse in a room: Diffusing essential oils in a room can help to create a relaxing and uplifting atmosphere that can increase your vibration and overall wellbeing.

4. Inhale directly: You can also inhale essential oils directly from the bottle or an essential oil inhaler for a more


At In Lak’ech Wellbeing we use Essential Oils of the best quality for every massage!

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Mariana Silva 22/05/2023

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