Reiki Healing

A holistic approach to healing

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki can be defined as a non-physical healing energy made up of spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki energy seems to have an intelligence of its own flowing where it is needed in the client and creating the healing conditions necessary for the individuals needs. It cannot be guided by the mind, therefore it is not limited by the experience or ability of the practitioner. Nether can it be misused as it always creates a healing effect.

60min $110
30min $70

Reiki Courses with Grand Master Alex Topic

by appointment only
Alex Topic graduated from The University of Sydney in 1998, with a BA (Hon), majoring in medieval English literature. His other areas of study included classical civilization, Latin, linguistics and philosophy. After completing these studies he was awarded an APA scholarship and undertook a PhD, which he pursued for three years before discontinuing, feeling it was time to explore holistic health and spiritual pursuits. While teaching English, among other occupations, he pursued his interests in food and diet, yoga, Taoist practices and meditation.

In early 2003 Alex undertook an investigation into the various forms of Reiki before discovering the original seven level system of Reiki and pursued a path that he feels he was destined to travel, learning all seven practitioner levels. He completed the first teacher level in January 2004, the second teacher level in August 2004, and the final teacher level in August 2005, to become a Reiki Grand Master Teacher. Alex has taught in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. In 2007 he attained a Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training. He is the current Secretary of The Association of the Original 7 Level System of Reiki

Book online or Mobile: 0433 664 808

Never experienced or heard about Reiki before?

We encourage you to do some research to see the amazing healing effects of Reiki, before you have a session with us. Or get in touch with us and we can help you understand more about it.

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